eJeeva’s web based product configurator enables companies to efficiently sell and process orders for configurable, multi-option and customizable products and services. Our configurator software helps increase revenues while reducing much of costs by automating sales and order entry.
No matter if your firm is in high tech, manufacturing, software, services, or health care whatever you market or sell — eJeeva can help you sell more and sell faster through competent product configuration. Built around your specific product lines and product options, eJeeva provides you with a framework and system that facilitates customized configuration of each and every product you select.
Your customers can have access to an online system where they can create configurations of your products and utilize the end result in various ways. eJeeva provides you with capability to provide your customer with the just the right solution so that they select from options available to them.
The Bottom Line
TThe bottom line is you will sell more, sell faster, sell more accurately, increase sales, improve profits, create happier customers and decrease customer relations problems. Your customers will get just the product they want, and you will meet the growing demand for customization.